Sometimes when I'm "trying" to go to sleep, my good Lord puts fantastic, exciting ideas in my head. Then I get up several times turning the light back on to write down notes as I'm "trying" to go to sleep. :) Last night was one of those times.
After I get my latest batch of dolls finished up (which is a lot!), I will be designing a line of prim doll patterns! The name of my doll line will be "Prim folks from the hollar". I live in the mountains of Western North Carolina in the small town of Burnsville. There are lots of "hollars" around here and lots of interesting people to model my dolls after. Some of the dolls will be modeled after friends, so that should be interesting to see their reactions!
Bubba will be first in line. I created him years ago, but never put it on paper. He just kind of evolved as I went along. He started out to be a hooker doll (lady of the night), but it just didn't look right, so I gave him a sex change and made him into a boot leggin' moonshiner hillbilly! Wha la, it worked! This photo was taken in front of the Yancey County Chamber of Commerce building. Their fall display was a perfect prop for my photo!

Bubba now resides with a man that reminds me of Rodney Dangerfield. He lives in Spruce Pine, NC about 20 minutes from Burnsville. Bubba lives in the game room and has a permanent seat at the bar. He's been waiting a long time for a pretty girl to come along and I think that will have to be the second doll I put to paper. I think her name should be Bertha. Bubba and Bertha. Good ole' country names. :)
I'll be taking notes and doing some sketching and will let you know when I get started. It may be awhile before I get to it, but be patient. I plan on making the dolls into e-patterns so everyone will be able to have some fun with it!
If you're still waiting on Part 2 from my Pigeon Forge trip, sorry, you'll have to wait a bit longer. The photos are on my laptop and there are so many for part 2, that it will be a slide show. Just a bit of a hint---they were taken in Gatlinburg, TN.
Well, as much as I'd love to keep chattin' with ya, I've got to get ready for the day. I'm meeting the gal that makes soy candles for my store this morning. She's giving me some great summer scents to get ready for the big weekend.
make it a good one!
love it...i love that kind of doll...can't wait to see more
How exciting! I LOVE Bubba (we used to have a chocolate lab named Bubba). Can't wait to see Bertha! Good luck to you! ~~Annie
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