I've gotten a bit behind in my postings, so I'm trying to catch up. Here's some photos of Friday's yard sale finds and my booth at the Garden Jubilee in Hendersonville, NC. The lady in the photo is my friend Alice. She went with me to help with the huge crowds, but they never got there, so unfortunately, most of the inventory came back home with me. Today I had "fun" putting it all back in the store. Home again and glad to be here. Next show is in Labor Day weekend at Wolf Laurel Country Club Fall Festival.
* It's been an extremely crazy year in 2023. Lots of good and some not so
good things have happened, but we've made it through. *
* I've slowed down a ...
I'm working on many different things....
I've had people ask me why I jump from one thing to another all the
time....Well, the answer is simple...
I have ADHD ...I get bored with things so easil...
Farmhouse Fun
My son was lucky enough to be able to rent a farmhouse that was built in
the late 1800s. It still has some of the original charm mixed with some
really bad...
Blog Post Title
What goes into a blog post? Helpful, industry-specific content that: 1)
gives readers a useful takeaway, and 2) shows you’re an industry expert.
Use your c...
I'm working on this cute raggedy doll for St. Patrick's Day. I started
sewing her at home and then it was time to go to my middle daughter's home
to take ...
Happy Valentines Day!
Hello friends!
Just stopping by quickly with a reminder that it’s that time again!
Ever since I was little, we have cut forsythia to force it to bloom i...
58 Punch Needle Kits available in my Etsy Shop!
Stop by my Etsy shop and check out all the kits ready to ship to you!
My kits include Valdani Three Strand Floss and #8 Pearl Cotton when needed,
the weav...
Punch Needle & Primitive Stitcher
Such a sweet design featured on the cover of the upcoming *Punch Needle &
Primitive Stitcher* magazine, Spring 2020. To order your copy, click on the
Christmas Past!
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas.
We had a wonderful one here at the Martinsen's - a house full of 16 of us!
The dinner table was out to the longe...
Lucky Horse shoe
Hand forged Andy of Scottish Lion forged Lucky Horse Shoe for his client
Custom sized
Contact through our website
*FREE CHART* Thankful Every Day
My gift to you, in honor of my very favorite holiday.
Follow this link to a downloadable PDF file.
This simple little design was stitched on 32 count Sm...
~*New News!~
Hello Dear Friends!
Have you received your new copy of Wool Works Magazine? It is out!
~*Willa Witch*~ is the pattern I created for this Fall Issue. I...
Finally thought today was the day I could get to some well over due yard
work. Waited for morning rains to stop, then started clean up around this
huge map...
New Handmade Products Available Now~
Handmade Grain Sack Shower Curtains
these are OOAK and available to purchase on my website
I've been meaning to tend to my blog but it seems there's never enough
time. Today with all of the Facebook issues, I realize I need to do this
sooner than...
New Pieces Being Added to the Shop
*"The Season of the Mouse" *
It's the beginning of that special season where people seem to get a bit
nicer and red and green saturate the scenery, it's Ch...
Auction cancelled
I’m so sorry, but I’m going to have to cancel my auction at this time.
(I’ve had major technical issues, that I’ve spent hours trying to resolve.)
Thanks ...
In an earlier post I said I was making a set of reindeer. An hour after I
listed them in my Etsy shop they sold! Now that's what I like!!
I just listed ...
Tickets here....
Have you always wanted to paint your own furniture but are too afraid?
Bring yo...
New Seasonal Series coming soon!
While there are several inches of snow on our ground here in NW Iowa,
there are little signals that Spring is approaching. First off, our days
are growin...
It's time to give away some books! This week I'm giving away five copies of
an Amish anthology titled ANNA'S GIFT, which includes stories by four
Culinary Lessons of Life
I don't have a great track record in the kitchen. It seems though that
every attempt at cooking teaches me something. With this track record I
wonder som...
Canterbury Shaker Village NH
On Oct 13 we were able to visit an original Shaker Village near Canterbury
It was a beautiful fall day so it was lovely to wander around the various ...
*Hello out there! Please bear with Paula and I as we try to get our blog up
and running again! We have missed a lot of our old friends since we have
been g...
Hand Knitted Shawls Made in Cornwall
I have just added these two lovely shawls (below) to my Etsy Shop. Shawls
are great for wearing all year round but especially lovely in Spring and
Summer w...
Past Due Post ...
Back about 4 months ago I decided I wanted to have chickens again, now that
I am not working any longer (yay) I am able to take care of them better.
~ Autumn 2016 Decorating ~
Greetings friends! I hope all is well with you and yours. This post
brings you a few pictures of this year's fall decorating. It's always an
exciting ti...
Big 5 Weekly Ad July 31 – August 6, 2016
Find your latest Big 5 Weekly Ad here. Also, keeping your challenges with
coupons and great deals from Big 5 weekly.
Readmore about Big 5 Weekly Ad July 31...
This is a picture of Lilly that just seems to say
So I will start with that and again SERIOUSLY
I have not posted on my blog since March...
Soul's Prisoner by Cara Luecht
This week, the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance is introducing Soul's
Prisoner (WhiteFire Publishing (December 15, 2015)) by Cara Luecht
Art to Wear
More sewing and having fun. I love creating wearable art and unique
clothing is where my path has been taking me. With a show not far away I
need to switc...
It's Been A Long Time!
It has been such a long time since I have posted to my blog! Like all good
intentions I hope to do much better in the coming months.
I can hardly belie...
Shaun the Sheep Movie (2015)
Download Full Shaun the Sheep Movie in HD QualityNow you can see Shaun the
Sheep Movie in high definition format with duration 85 Min and was
published in...
Our three little punkins have arrived!
Our dream of being grandparents has come true, and our precious little
grand triples were born Tuesday, October 6th...in the wee hours of the
Blogger Resources
Check out this resource for bloggers. It compiles the best plugins,
tutorials, tools and more.
They are also giving away a ticket to 30 different confere...
*Another reminder, I changed my business name to Holly Ridge Folk Art and
now have a new blog, Holly Ridge Folk Art. *
*I don't want to lose any of my foll...
Does Anyone Remember?
Here it has been over 3 years since I have printed words on this blog.
Where has the time gone?
So many things have changed since my last entry.
I now have ...
With heavy hearts, we have decided the best thing for my health and for all
other circumstances of our lives that it is best to close our retail
location i...
Brand New Designs by Folk Art From The Harbor
.007 mil Transparent Blue mylar reusable stencils
Find these and THOUSANDS more
on my website at
5 tempat wisata nan indah di spanyol
Spanyol merupakan ruang yg indah buat kita jenguk. Bukan cuma ternama
bersama club olahraga yg keren seperti Barcelona & Real Madrid, Spanyol pula
menaruh ...
Counting Down!!!!!!
Hi Everyone.
Hope your staying warm. LOL It's -14 degrees here today. Burr.
Oh well! Have a lot to tell you.
First: Person - On Monday Feb. 23 I will be goi...
We are in the process of packing to move so everything is very
disorganized including my blogs and I apologize. I will be working hard to
get my blog back...
Americana Crocheted Afghan
The dust has finally settled around my little slice of heaven on earth.
Last week I was able to finish up a crocheted afghan that was started late
April 2...
SALE!.......to come soon.....!
Well, the New Year's Day sale I planned on obviously did not happen.
Certain things going on at home became priority and before I knew it the
weekend was ...
Winner - # 101 - Not A Card
Here is the winner for our final challenge:
The random winner of a winner's badge and a piece of word art is *JULIE
Congratulations and pleas...
rediscovering my blog
We were just talking last night about blogs and I told my husband I had one
but have not been on it for YEARS. So here I am after I found it and
changed my...
Its been so long since I posted....life just got in the way. I have had a
bit of a rough time with my congestive heart failure and COPD,and then in
Aug I ...
Scarecrows, Snowmen and Santas
A few dolls available in my etsy
shop, https://www.etsy.com/shop/YankeeRidgePrimitive?section_id=10875284&ref=shopsection_leftnav_2
The scarecrows have be...
Real Community.
There's a lot of talk of community these days, especially in the church.
And I think everyone loves the idea of community, but a lot of us either
shrink b...
The Front Garden - July 13, 2014
This is the mid-point of summer in my front garden and the little annual
vines didn't make the splash I was expecting this year. With our very nice
and ve...
Christmas In July at "Painting With Friends!"
Check out the "Painting With Friends" site! Great SALE going on in July!
Painting With Friends
Tons of wonderful designs to choose from!
Time to get painti...
A swap and a win!
Well, I have a few lovely things to share with you!
Back in February I spied a most beautiful wool sheep that Julia (Bilberry
Grove blog) had made for Wen...
Happy Monday Prim Friends!
It's rainy and a bit chilly here in the valley,
but at least no snow!
I think Spring has finally sprung around here~
the grass is...
Pear-fect Prim House E-pattern #000100
New e-pattern for 2014
Pear-fect Prim House #000100
Can be purchased in my e-pattern shop
I should start off with some good excuse as to why I have not posted in so
long, but yet again, I have no excuse. Life has been busy, along with my
full ...
Easy Peanut Butter Frosting
One thing I dispise the most . . . canned frosting. Yuck!
One thing I Love the most . . . cake batter! It is ok, you can be honest,
you lick the spoon t...
Welcome to 2014!
This is my first post since a longgg time. Trying to figure out this new
blogspot navigation. Why do they have to change things that don't seem to
need cha...
Back in the saddle again
Finally getting back to painting. I dusted off the paints and paint
brushes. And I am trying to dust off my painting skills. I think I have a
lot of...
Since 2011...REALLY?
Like Ricky would say to Lucy....you got some "splainin" to do! I cannot
believe it has been this long since I blogged!! So, I will briefly fill you
in on w...
Dear Santa
This girl is wishing for a new wood burning stove for Christmas. It's kind
of hard to miss this big hole in the wall. Off to try to make it a little
Mesh & Tulle Wreath Tutorial
I'm not a wreath lover. Seeing all the ones made from tulle, burlap,
ribbons, and mesh made me think I kinda like those. I really wanted
something to go...
Remodelacion Moderna en Espana
es una vivienda remodelada en estilo moderno, en el pueblo de Karaminyal, ...
Giveaway From Handmade Artisan Connection.
Free Six Month Listing for your Handmade Shop on the Handmade Artisan
Enter to win:
Bowling in Slovenia
Want to spend an active night? Then we recommend you visit the bowling.
Bowling is the perfect game for fun. It is suitable for entertainment or
for celebr...
Childhood Favorites - From The Blog Archives
*What are your favorite childhood stories? Which books really resonated
with you?*
If you know me very well, you'll know that I LOVE READING! It's one of t...
A whole year has gone by.....
Hello Friends!!
It has been so long!!!
I am trying to get all my eggs in one baskets when it comes to blog,
website and Facebook.
For those that like to f...
Tax and life insurance
Taxation of life insurance coverage coverage within the united states .
Rates paid out with the policy owner are often not deductible for federal
and condi...
I am still sewing, but not getting as much done as I would like to. I have
a new little Annie doll that I finished up a little while ago. I call her
What has been happening!
Everytime I come to my blog to update I get sidetrack! either the phone
rings, or grandkids are wanting something or I sit here and get writers
I ...
New Easter Sampler and Pattern
I finished up a brand new sampler a couple of days ago. I think it turned
out pretty sweet for spring, or Easter. This one has two folky rabbits, a
basket ...
It's the Little Things
*Yesterday it was my birthday. *
*I hung one more year on the line.*
*I ain't worrying. *
*And I ain't scurrying. *
*I'm just having a good time.*
*~Paul Sim...
Here it is 2013 .....2012 is in the past. It was a very sad year for me. We
had 3 family deaths, 2 friends from church that were unexpected...numerous
Hayseed Homemakin': Vintage Glass Garden Ornaments
Hayseed Homemakin': Vintage Glass Garden Ornaments: These glass garden
ornaments are so simple & fun to make! If you look closely, they consist
of a vase ...
Winner of my giveaway
I'm late in picking a winner for my giveaway I was in the hospital for
another seven days, with more blood clots, and a tumor growing in between a
Winter Wonderland
Hope this post finds you all doing well. We are doing just fine here in
the Adkins Household. We had an enjoyable Thanksgiving with our family and
Top 10 Pottery Making Tips For the Beginner
1. Go to pottery making classes. Everyone has to learn somehow. Although it
can be comforting to learn on your own it will be much more fun with
Happy ThaNksGiVinG EveryOne..;)
Good Morning everyone..its been so long since I have blogged thought I
would stop by to say hi and wish you all a very happy thanksgiving...not
much has ...
Cool Morning
The weather sure has changed this last week. These cooler temps sure have
put me in the mood for the upcoming holidays. I have been busy designing
and st...
Easy Peasy Legend of Zelda Party
I didn't take step by step pictures, but really, it was quite easy!
I started with the cupcake toppers. There is very little in the way of
party supplies...
It's been awhile...it's been a bad month!!
Hi everyone! So sorry it has been so long. I have no excuses for not
posting in August but as some of you know if you follow me on facebook, I
lost my moth...
Miss you!
I have been a complete slacker when it comes to updating my blog. I've
been in a dollmaking slump and keep saying to myself "I will write when I
have some...
Just popping in to say hi, I know it's been a long time since I posted. We
had our 2nd Year Anniversary at the store a few weekends ago and it was a
Primitiques, Ltd. 739 Mount Road, A2 Aston, PA 19014 www.primitiques.com
Bill and Beth have taken the plunge! We are beyond excited to bring our
lines of f...
Walking the Chicks
* With the youngest son way for the weekend, it was my turn to "walk the
chicks." With 4 houses and over 120,000 chicks, it takes over an hour to
do thi...
New New New and Patriotic Too
*RED ISN'T JUST FOR CHRISTMAS ANYMORE.......* ***That's right. Red....*
*It's the color of LOVE..... It's American ... one of the colors in our
flag Ge...
British Design
Lesley Jackson’s article in the Summer 2012 issue of *Modernism* presents
an assortment of products for the home from the exhibition “British Design
~Long time no Talk~
Hey everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's been forever since I've updated
this...I've been soo busy and have not had the time but....that's gonna
change. I have ...
1835~Red Bird Pinkeep
*SOLD!!! *A sweet pinkeep I stitched up...I pulled out a small stack of
antique pillow ticking and I backed this pinkeep with a piece....The
ticking is bl...
~What in the JUNK has been going on?~
*JUNK.....still on the hunt for it....this old sucker describes all of us
JUNKERS to a tee.....and NO it ain't mine but it shore is a sight!.....*
*I am s...
Two More Sleeps!
Its almost moving day! I am going crazy trying to organize and
pack.....this is hard when I can only take so much and I want to take
everything! I hope you...
Small Annies
Little Red Annie #2
Approx 17" tall...has her dress trimmed with vintage red rik-rak and lace.
Price $28
Small rag doll....approx 13" tall...Price $22
Hello!! Just wanted to post a pic of a Santa that I have finished up. I
haven't had time to post here on the selling blog but have all of my things
German Shepherd Signs
As some of you may know already, I am the president of Woody's Place ~
Senior German Shepherd Sanctuary. We are a small non profit incorporation
aspiring t...
hey girls Still having major blog issues...
So I will most likely not be blogging anymore because I ca'nt seem to get
the problems resolved .No matter what the heck I do,I even tried starting
all ove...
Friday's Fires in Florida
*We are still on Fire here in North Florida, but from what I've
heard.....most of Florida is on Fire somewhere. Also, Georgia is on fire at
the Florida/Geo...
A Super Giveaway!!!!!!
From A Primitive Place!!!!!
In order to celebrate having met and passed the 700 mark in followers,
Tammy is having a great GIVEAWAY!!!!!!!!
For details plea...
Grand Re opening sale!
to receive 10% off your next purchase in my etsy store, enter this coupon...
Chic Gluten Free Deserts
I found this great gluten free recipe at
http://glutenfreegoddess.blogspot.com and tried it! Great and wanted to
share--she has many more! Enjoy!
Tart Making
I can't believe how long it has been since I have posted on this site. I
have had several email about making tarts, this is how I do it.
First I take about...
My things 4 Sale….
Hello everyone!
I wanted to let everyone know that I’ve added a Prims 4 sale folder on my
Facebook. If you are a friend of mine you can find the folder c...
Well, life is finally settling down a bit at the old homestead. My
grandson is doing great and we are so very blessed and thankful for his
recovery. Hubb...
Good Sunday Mornin'
Hi Y'all ! I sure hope this post finds Y'all in GREAT spirits !
This is going to be a very busy busy day for me....And what better way to
start it off than ...
Old Santa & Gingers
Old Santa measures 10"tall
Made from a Jackie Schmidt pattern
$15 plus shipping Also made from a Jackie Schmidt pattern are these Set of
3 Gingers...
Christmas Sale at Woodshop Shanty!!!!
Carol is having a sale at http://www.etsy.com/shop/firecrackerkid
SO my suggestion is to get on over there now an get some wonderful present
for your f...
A Thanksgiving OFG Monday Marketplace
Baskets by Rose on Etsy has the best baskets!!!
Visit her at http://www.etsy.com/shop/basketsbyrose
The official Thanksgiving Holiday is coming and time ...
The Monday Morning Marketplace!!!!
Since is a theme day with harm critters as the theme. This is because of
the time I got to spend outside with my llamas, goats, sheep and
horses--plus a...
Business Promotion vs Spamming
I often wonder where the fine line between business promotion and spamming
is drawn on the various social networking medias? On Facebook I will see
A New Creation ~ Crock Collector Sign
Here is my latest creation. It measures 10x26 and is perfect for any
Antique Crock Collector. The background on this sign is Barn Red over
Black, but c...
Updates . . . and Give Away time . . .
Greetings Raggedy Friends -
Yipes ... it's been a l-o-n-g time since I've blogged over here. Lots has
happened over the last several months - some personal ...
New Selling Blog!!
Check out my friend Nikki's new selling blog!! You will love her stuff!!
She's a great gal and has won...
I really need to *find time* to post here more than twice a year. Is it
find time or make time? Hmmmm.... With the warm weather finally here, there
is so m...
Coming Back
Okay fellow bloggers!!! It's been just too long since I've posted. A lot
going on in my world right now. Hope everyone is doing well, and look
forward to g...
Waterbed Update
I told my husband all I wanted for mothers day was a half whiskey barrel
for my pond.....I am such a simple girl! (Being the sweetie of a husband he
is , h...
Lyla's first Easter
The day before Easter Lyla went to the mall the meet the Easter Bunny. Lyla
was so in love and it took a lot of effort to get her to face forward for
the p...
Happy Good Friday
*Good Morning blogger friends,*
*First, I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Good Friday and a
blessed Easter. It is going to be a beautiful weekend...
Electric Vehicles – Seeing the Big Picture
By *Dr Peter Harrop*,
*Chairman, IDTechEx*
The burgeoning electric vehicle EV industry cannot be understood by simply
looking at cars. The complete market ...
An Etsy Treasury!!!!
The Etsy shop, aprimitivedeason, was kind enough to add me into her
treasury on Etsy.
Wanted to share with you her wonderful selctions from Etsy.
Please t...
Back in the Saddle again
Things got so busy around here toward the end of the year that I just
couldn't keep up with everything. So this is the beginning of the attempt
to get o...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Thank you to all my blogging friends for having such wonderful blog
comments. I enjoy reading all of them so much.
Best wishes to all and hope that each of...
OOops! I forgot the Freckles on Freckles...LOL!
These are the new darlin's that I did as a custom order for a dear sweet
lady in Canada. I don't usually do them with brown eyes....but I think th...
Make A Wish Fairy - SOLD
Make a Wish Fairy
Sweet, adorable and very Polka Dotty!
She sells for only $36.00
E-mail me for purchase
Thank you!
The Pattern Hutch adds a Blog!
Hi Everyone! Thank you for stopping by our blog. The Pattern Hutch has been
making some drastic changes this year. To add to our changes, we have
Dusting off the cob webs
After the long winter it is time to start spring cleaning! Not only my
house but it is a time to clean out the old ideas and thoughts from last
year. I hav...
Looks like it was a great booth, wish I was closer!!
Can your framed stitcheries be hung on the wall too?
Setting up for a show can be sooo much work. Your booth looks great, it's too bad that there weren't any buyers.
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