Friday, March 27, 2009

What happened to Spring???

We've had a sneak preview of Spring, but then it was gone again. I'm ready for it to be a permanent fixture around here. It's raining, it's cold, but at least we're not dealing with the threat of a flood. Remember to keep all those folks in prayer that are dealing with the horrible threat to their homes and lives.

I've been real busy making inventory for the store so I've been slacking off on my posting. Please forgive the busy crafter! The new store is getting filled up and looking good, but we sure could use some more customers. :) I'm looking forward to when the tourist season starts and it's busier in the store and I'm not feeling like I want to take a nap! I love it when friends stop by to sit in one of the old rockers and visit for a bit. It not only makes the day go faster, but also wakes me up. And, I enjoy the company. So, if you're in the area be sure and stop by for a visit in the rockers.

1 comment:

Marjorie (Molly) Smith said...

I don't know which is worse it is hot and sultry during the day and when night falls and it starts cooling off we get the rain and thunderstorms and tornados, have really been having alot these last few days, a small town close to us was hit yesterday morning by a tornado, homes all around us tore up and trees down every where...then in the morning sunshine and high heat and clammy weather. and it starts all over again. Weird weather we're having...